Spouses and Partners

Real-World Compassion: A Talk and Meditation with the Tibetan Buddhist Monks of Gaden Monastery

We at Yale have the great pleasure of hosting four Tibetan Buddhist monks from Gaden Monastery. Please join us for a guided compassion meditation, talk on the cultivation of compassion in today’s world, and Q&A. All students, employees, families, high school students, children, and community members are welcome. Location can be found through the event registration page.

Co-hosted with Being Well at Yale, Dwight Hall at Yale - Center for Public Service and Social Justice, Asian American Cultural Center (AACC), Good Life Center, Yale Buddhist Student Community

Imperial Material: A Book Talk & Conversation with Professor Alvita Akiboh

Join the AACC’s Political Action and Education Team as we welcome Professor Alvita Akiboh for a book talk and conversation about her recently published work, Imperial Material: National Symbols in the US Colonial Empire. This event is part of the AACC’s Pan Asian American Heritage Month Celebration: Nostalgia and the Path Forward, and we invite you to be in conversation about how US national identity has been created, challenged, and transformed through embodiments of empire found in US territories, from the US dollar bill to the fifty-star flag.

LatinExcellence Showcase

Join us during Family Weekend in The Underground. The showcase will feature visual art and written pieces on display, as well as performances by Latine/x individuals/groups ranging from comedy and music to dancing and speeches. . We are looking to celebrate Latine/x people in all spaces, to showcase all voices, talents, and achievements.

Comedy Night with Karen Chee

Laugh and chat with comedian and Emmy-nominated writer Karen Chee on Thursday, April 6. Described as “unflinchingly cheery, happily ironic, [and] socially perceptive” (Harvard Magazine), Karen brings a young perspective and unique voice that draws her Korean-American heritage into her work.

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