Student Groups
The NACC has many undergraduate student organizations that are committed to establishing and perpetuating a Indigenous presence at Yale. These student groups range in purpose but connect students through common causes and interests. They also serve as small communities for Native students to form meaningful relationships and practice culture together.
Native & Indigenous Groups at Yale:
Native and Indigenous Students At Yale (NISAY)
Students of the Indigenous Peoples of Oceania (IPO)
Red Territory
Indigenous Scholars of Architecture, Planning, & Design (ISAPD)
The Yale Chapter of the American Indian Science and Engineering Society (AISES)
Society for the Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans in Science (SACNAS)
Graduate Student Groups:
The Native American Law Student Association (NALSA)
Native Crossroads, and the Indigenous Graduate Network (IGN)
Members of Indigenous Scholars of Architecuture, Planning, & Design (ISAPD)