
AACC Spring Break Externship Info Session

The Spring Break Internship is currently planned for the weeks of March 13 - 17 and March 20 - 24. As a reminder, the program is an unpaid mini-internship that brings current students into the workplaces of Yale alumni. The purpose of this program is to provide undergrads with opportunities to explore a potential career path in a more interactive, hands-on way. Moreover, we understand that health and safety concerns are still very much valid and prevalent.

2023 Powwow: Roots and Regrowth

All are welcome to the 2023 Powwow: Roots and Regrowth!
Thank you to our sponsors: Yale Chaplain’s Office, David Geffen School of Drama at Yale, Yale College of Environmental Studies, Yale Divinity School, Yale Indigenous Performing Arts Program, Yale Jackson School of Global Affairs, and the Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History.

Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander Student Welcome Mixer

Join us for an opportunity to meet with new as well as current Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander students at Yale. Delicious refreshments will be served. All Yale College, Graduate and Professional School students are welcome to attend.
Co-hosted by the Asian American Cultural Center (AACC) and the Native American Cultural Center (NACC).
Location can be found through the registration link.

AACC South Asian Welcome Mixer

The South Asian Welcome Mixer is an opportunity for students who identify as South Asian to meet one another and also learn more about the Asian American Cultural Center as a university resource.
You will have a chance to meet our many South Asian student organizations (Nepali Student Association, Yale Rangeela, Yale Bengali Student Association, MonstRAASity, Yale Jashan Bhangra, and South Asian Society), play games including Carom and Ludo, have mehndi/henna art done on your hand, and enjoy some delicious South Asian appetizer food/drinks.

Asian LGBTQ+ Student Welcome Mixer

Join us for an opportunity to meet and mingle with Asian LGBTQ+ students from across campus, enjoy some delicious refreshments, and learn more about resources offered by the Asian American Cultural Center (AACC) as well as the Office of LGBTQ Resources. This event is open to Yale College, Graduate and Professional school students.
Location can be found through registration link.

Asian International Student Welcome Mixer

Join us for an opportunity to meet new as well as current Asian international students from across campus, enjoy some delicious refreshments and learn more about the Asian American Cultural Center (AACC) as a resource for you during your time at Yale!
Co-hosted by the Asian American Cultural Center and the Office of International Students & Scholars.
Location can be found through registration link.

AACC Southeast Asian Welcome Mixer

Join us for our annual Southeast Asian Welcome Mixer to celebrate another new academic year. Meet other students and learn more about the various AACC affiliated student organizations who trace their origins back to the region.
This AACC event is co-hosted by Indonesian Yale Association (IYA), KASAMA: The Filipinx Club, Malaysian and Singaporean Association (MASA), Southeast Asian Movement (SEAM), Vietnamese Students Association (ViSA), and Student Association of Thais at Yale (SATAY).
Location can be found through registration link.

Middle Eastern and North African (MENA) Welcome Mixer

The MENA Welcome Mixer is an opportunity for students who identify as Middle Eastern/North African to meet one another and also learn more about the Asian American Cultural Center (AACC) and Afro-American Cultural Center (AfAm) as university resources. This year, we’ll also be having a grand opening of our new MENA Space, located on the third floor of the AACC! Location can be found through registration link.

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